We live in a society where external beauty is worshipped. We go to extremes to be perceived as attractive to others. The truth has always been that true beauty comes from the inside out. At first it sounds cliché, but it is a simple truth. Kindness, calmness, sweetness and compassion are gorgeous qualities and I prioritize them over plump lips or lack of forehead wrinkles.
We as consumers buy beauty products that we know nothing about other than its price point. We have been putting chemicals onto our skin which scientists are now discovering are messing with our hormone levels and putting toxins into our body. The skin easily absorbs things put onto it and we are not careful as consumers to really read the label to know what we are putting on to and into our bodies. Of course, there are going to be issues. We have been putting random chemicals onto our skin without truly knowing the effects of the ingredients on the skin.
Over the last decade I have been experiencing different products trying to figure out what it is that really works. What are the key ingredients that will perfectly nourish the skin and be easily absorbed by the cells and utilized to continuously create the glow of beautiful healthy skin at any age.
It is my intention to find or create a product line that works, restores essential nutrients back into the skin without the harmful application of chemicals, is a reasonable price-point and has biodegradable packaging eliminating plastic waste. I have found many product lines that fit that description and I will work with those lines to begin to discover the absolute best products and from there create a product line that changes the way the beauty industry has been running.
The most frequently asked question I receive is “What is a good skin care regimen for my skin?” The answer is that doing something is exponentially better than doing nothing. Start exactly where you are at and build good skin care habits from there. Nothing feels better than a freshly cleansed face… until you feel what it’s like to have a clean and exfoliated face, now that’s a nice feeling. Add a serum and a moisturizer and you have done a serious good for your skin. If you keep that momentum up, you will soon find that you are aging better than your friends. People that take care of their skin age much better than people who don’t. It is all a reflection of the healthy skincare habits that they have intentionally built into their lives. It is never too late. We live in an amazing time in history where actually finding the best products is possible. I have also found that combining products with face exercises and specific energetic practices also goes a long way in repairing the skin and overall look of the face. Interested in learning more about our face exercise classes -Click the link here. There is so much hope. Keep going and don’t even think about giving up.
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